American President Donald Trump explicitly floated the idea of delaying November’s presidential election by way of a tweet on 30 of July.
It did not take long for a barrage of both congressional Democrats and Republicans to publicly rebuke his suggestion.
First, Trump does not have the legal authorityto move the date because the power to set the date for voting constitutionally sits with Congress.
Secondly, and more importantly, the automatic and stern responses that erupted from all political sides spoke to how election timelines and processes have been built into the country’s DNA.
While there is room for improvement in the process (i.e., increased mail-in voting), there is little doubt about the recognition of its importance to governance and peace. Although difficult at times to maintain in the midst of a pandemic, the people have a right to an electionto decide on the future of their country.
So the big question remains: if America can do it, why can’t African states do it too?
Elections across the continent
This year was supposed to be a busy year for elections across Africa…and many countries have kept their end of the bargain.
* This article was first pubishe on the African Report.
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