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OPINION: Lissu, Zitto Agents of Change Or 21stC Opportunists?

 By Masondore Masondore, CANADA  

Montreal, 26-12-2018: THROUGHOUT human history,Africa and Middle East, credited as the cradle of life on earth, regarded wisdom as the essence of human respect and leadership quality. The lack of it is tragedy and detrimental to human existence.

The King of ancient Israeli, Solomon, son of David Jesse, when presented with one choice; he went for wisdom. The choice earned him accolades across generations today. He was not in the opposition. If he was, his wisdom would unite the country towards development too.

Perhaps in Africa and especially, Tanzania, my home country where I come from, a country blessed with a string of very wise leaders in Africa since pre-colonial times to date, has been the source of stability, making the ruling parties continue to command respect and acceptance to rule owing to its rigorous process of getting and grooming the leaders.

No wonder one day Jesus refused not to be followed by a man who made a request. He said no. In Africa, multipartyism brought in all sorts of politicians, some were practicing law, standing in courts to defend criminals, some of them murderers and thieves hence thought could fit for politics some good but never practiced kind of economics. AND this is what troubles Africa.

Not everyone is a political fit.  Courts and economics are respectable. They have their rules. In politics it is different. Humility and relationship define leadership. A good lawyer may not necessarily be a good politician, perhaps an activist, the likes of Snowden. 

It is because of this reason, when the nation happens, by bad omen, to produce outburst and imprudent opposition leaders, they easily become noticeable and labelled comedians. It is a pity. 

No one would have expected Tanzania, with its historic continental leadership credentials, might one day wake up in the morning to find such a senseless, mindless and injudicious opposition politicians like Zitto Kabwe and Tundu Lissu who now go down as historic enemies of the nation. 

As I follow politics at home whenever I have time to, I’m one such Tanzanian who is well above surprise. The two MPs, every chance they get, it will be to undermine whatever progress that President John Pombe Magufuli of Tanzania is in pursuit for now. Some actions being on the same woes that these two MPs were complaining in the past! But they would still evaporate against!

It is a mock and ridicule to choose to be a betrayer of own country. Blind folding yourself to see much of nothing, absolutely nothing good in abundance done to reform and advance Tanzania is sickness, it is paralysis of the mind. This is dangerous, close to lifelessness.

Being in opposition does not exonerate one from keeping the law, neither does it guarantee them the honors to trump it down, constantly abusing those chosen by the people to spearhead to mantle. This is barbaric. Could be a hospital case because leaders, whether in opposition or in the ruling, were expected to be rational. Sadly Zitto and Lissu have  never been one.

How can an accomplished economist and another a lawyer, fail to publicly admit that universally accepted principles and laws, wants a nation to build its own revenue base? You will find Zitto belittling anything towards this end.

I have read an article by Tundu Lissu complaining on opposition lerader one Mr. Freeman Mbowe’s court arrest for breaching what the court had granted him as bail on conditions. Tundu Lissu, a self acclaimed first “class lawyer” would still complain, he doesn’t know contempt of court is punishable? How can you trust one who sees two in one? Double standards? But he is a lawyer.

The universe is governed by the laws. One of the natural laws is that of cause and effect. When Mbowe decided to jump his rightful bail and refuse to respect court’s order, he knew of the implications because the law is clear on the charge. This mindless politician is trying to forces it appear politically motivated while he fully knows it was contempt of court, a crime that is legally punishable all over the world. 

                Functions of Opposition Parties
No one would expect opposition parties to rule with this kind of attitude. That is why the voters did not trust them to give them mandates. Anyone would expect an opposition MP to offer a political alternative, articulating and promoting the interests of the voters, using civilized tone and approaches. Not with this fugitive one and the other spent force.

Any sensible opposition politician feels the capacity to enhance his nation’s stability, legitimacy, accountability and transparency in the political processes. Sadly, the humdrum likes of Tundu Lissu and Zitto do not perform any of those, they just enjoy to play betrayal against his country in more or less like the old Judah who sold Jesus.

The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania under President DrJohn PombeMagufuli, has been tolerant to such mindless turncoats and focuses on hastening development which fortunately becomes a continental transformation. Africa is changing. But Lissu and Zitto are crying! 

Tundu Lissu, for instance,  is not new. The misfits of his caliber were there before, labelled enemies of the people, which is in fact the enemies of development. He has always been defeated. He will, too. Tanzania and Africa is unstoppable, he has chosen the wrong side of the oppressor. 

Tanzanians understand L issu and Zitto are agents. Those keeping them like a toy, to try and frustrate our zeal for world standard development, remain his masters. 

Let us forget them, being misfit and white man’s voice, they must despise black people and praise white men who keeps them out there. That is their vision, any intellectual would not bowed down, stooping too low to such unbelievable extent. What a misfit.

Being a pioneer of modern day African renaissance, I see Dr. Magufuli is credited for championing a peaceful continental economic revolution, which is set to make Africa economically competitive. Somewhere on the edge, you find fellow Tanzanians pulling back his ship. Poor them. Poor Africa.
*The author is a political scientist based in Montreal, CANADA, He is a Tanzanian diaspora.


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