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An Open Letter to Global Community Regarding Tanzanian MP Tundu Lissu’s anti-African sentiment

WHEN some politicians unethically lies to avoid losing, unskilled politicians fail the art and tell blatant lies, which fuel their one way to doom as the case with a Tanzanian opposition MP Tundu Lissu.

The MP who survived an attempt on his life by unknown gunmen in September 2017 is touring American and European capitals trading tons of abuses, humiliating the organs that continue to investigate his ordeal.

I heard him addressing Jennifer Cooke, Director and students for the Institute for African Studies, The Elliot School for International Affairs at the George Washington University. He vividly paid very low regard to the leaders of African Union (AU), the East African Cooperation (EAC) and showering a lot of praises to the whites, his slave masters.
MP Tundu Lissu

This guy is anti-Africa, sadly. I know he is a darling of the whites. I am not surprised he is abusing everyone African. I read somewhere he once abused, posthumously, the father of Tanzanian nation, we all revere him for the liberation project he accomplished successfully. The guy abuses him.

“Deception has become a political survival,” writes James Cusick, but this of Tundu Lissu is blatant lies. Politicians are smart. Even in case you want to elicit sympathy from the public, you do not go round telling off everyone, they end up ignoring you.

I watched a series of interviews by the injured Tanzanian MP only to realize that he is impatient, easily loses his temper, scolding the Ambassador on a live programme which repels those sympathized him earlier on.

In Washington DC at both VOA’s Straight Talk Africa and a Kiswahili programme, Lissu was utterly outsmarted by Ambassador Wilson Masilingi. He proved that Mr Lissu was lying; he misled the world about the President Magufuli’s sympathy with his unfortunate attack.

When he said that President Magufuli never ever, ever, made any statement whatsoever to condemn his attack, it was proved that Dr Magufuli tweeted a message on the fateful day showing deep concern over the event and ordered immediate investigations calling for the security organs to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice.

I laughed a bit at how this young African lawyer cannot fathom the impact of a very simple logic. He argued with the Ambassador, nearly beating him up. He loses his temper very easily. Leaders need humility and wisdom to make rational decisions. It appears these two virtues are far cry to this highly tempered opposition MP.

How can an accomplished, of course I do not refer to wisdom, lawyer fails to establish the difference between a remandee and a prisoner? While he fully knows MP Freeman Mbowe is not convicted yet but he is remanded because of jumping the bailed offered to him by the Court? He goes around telling everybody that MP Mbowe is imprisoned. A blatant lie and misrepresentation of facts. This does not earn him any respects.

MP Lissu does a lot of negative exaggeration on the freedom of expression. We do witness the Parliamentarians spitting fire until today. They speak their mind and no one puts his fingers on them. As long as they render constructive criticisms, without infringing the rights of others, they go ahead and criticize. By the way, the freedom of expression is legislated in the Media Services Act, 2016.

The media and Members of Parliament use their right and opportunity to criticize the Government to the maximum. There is plenty of freedom of expression. As it is all over the world, freedom of expression needs to be applied responsibly. All civilized societies all over the world watch this out.
Well, if he continues to act this way, no one will sympathize with him. Members of his own party, if not the family may distance with him. How can you call “ignorant”, people who investigate your attempted killing? This is such an unfathomable wonder.

“You call the cops that investigate your case ignorant? Then you refuse to cooperate with them by narrating the scenario and events leading to your attack? The poor guy has a fiery temper.

He claims there is no any investigation on his attack. And he is a senior lawyer? Is it because he holds self interest into the criminal act? What if the suspects were named publicly and every stage of the investigation communicated to the public, won’t that affect the process? What if the suspects are found innocent and they are already out in public?

In other cases, naming suspects has allegedly jeopardized the right of a person to obtain a fair trial or adversely affected the life of the accused. So, this is what MP Lissu is trying to do. When it is proved his accusations are untrue and the Government is not involved, perhaps it was internal party differences or his many enemies, will he clear the name of the Tanzania Government he is bent to tarnish?

I just keep a close eye on what distortion he will make next. Perhaps the doctors will tell him he is fit to return home in 2021 or 2020, it is a matter of time. If it is not late, I would kindly ask those sponsoring him to try and advise the man to behave. I do not mean we will all know they are the ones telling him to fan up the divisions among Tanzanians but it is also a diplomatic gesture to restrain attacks of another sovereign state from your soil.

Albert Sarpong Koffi,
Concerned Pan Africanist,
Accra, Ghana.
8 Feb 2019


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